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Chosen Generation is a generation of imperfect people being intentional about living for Christ. As Christians we talk about the goodness of God but fail to establish a complete relationship with Him. 1 Peter 2:9 reminds us that we are a “Chosen Generation…God’s very own possession”. It also tells us that because we belong to Him we can show others His goodness. If we don’t exalt God then who will? We believe we were born for such a time as this. We are a generation of innovators, motivators, and servant-leaders. We are the game changers! The Next Generation is depending on us to get it right. So ask yourself “Am I one of the CHOSEN?”

The mission of Chosen Generation is to educate youth by investing time in their talents and interests. Our goal is to teach young people you can live for God and still be "cool". We want to educate young people to gain strength from their mistakes and humbly celebrate their victories. Our mission is to deposit into the next generation something that will last for generations to come.

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Chosen Generation is to educate youth

time in their talents and interests. Our

young people you can live for God and

We want to educate young people to gain

their mistakes and humbly celebrate

Our mission is to deposit into the next

something that will last for generations to


The mission of 

by investing 

goal is to teach 

still be "cool". 

strength from 

their victories. 



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